Saturday, December 7, 2013

Blackadder's Christmas Carol

Blackadder Scores Again!
In this touching tale inspired by Dickens' classic "A Christmas Carol," Blackadder is the kindest and most generous man in all of England...until he realizes that bad guys have all the fun.

Perhaps Ebeneezer Blackadder would have been successful as one of the series, since his character shines with the aura of comedy possessed by his ancestors. Baldrick is still with him and as dumb as ever.

Also returning is the brain-the-size-of-a-walnut Prince of Wales, Queenie, Percy, Lord Melchett, and a very revealing Baldrick of the future (Along with a neo-nursie and some others).

Co-starring Robbie Coltrane as the very funny ghost of Christmas Past, Present, and Future, Rowan Atkinson's Ebeneezer is right up there with Simms, Scott, and Stewart...that is, if he can survive the kraut-prince and Queen piglet.

If you are a Black Adder fan, just get it
If you are even looking at this info about this videotape, my guess is that you fall into one of three categories:

First, you may be looking for versions of a Christmas Carol. If you are one of these people, and don't know doodly squat about Black Adder, I'd recommend hitting the "Back" button right now and clicking on something else that stars Alastair Sim or (my preference) George C. Scott. This is NOT what you want.

Second, you are a Blackadder fan and either are looking around for Blackadder stuff, or looking specifically for this tape. If so, just buy the damn thing. It's funny as heck (although I didnt like the future bit too much, but that's okay) and it's typical, classic Blackadder. You are probably just reading these reviews to make sure it's consistent with the others- it is. Hit One-click.

Third- perhaps this tape was recc'd to you by Amazon because you bought something else that suggests you'll like this. IF you like the smart, sarcastic, sharp (and...

Funniest Christmas Show EVER
This is a totally hilarious twist on the Dicken's classic. A must own for any British comedy or Blackadder fans.

"Blackadder's Christmas Carol" should be a Christmas classic.

Especially interesting to watch if you are a fan of the TV show, "House".

Highly recommended!

Click to Editorial Reviews

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