Saturday, December 7, 2013

Twilight Saga: Eclipse

4.5 stars, best one of the series
I have to say I normally don't review movies. I usually try to stick with books (haha hence my name) I also tend not to see movies that were based on books, they are never right ie: Eragon, Blood and Chocolate and yes even the Harry Potters movies were missing tons of sides stories that were in the books. I saw Twilight the day it came out and was both relieved that it was so close to the book, and frustrated because like the book it lacked action. Only the last five minutes had any fighting. The same was true in New Moon, while it followed the book closely it was only the last 10 minutes where Edward fought with the Volturi that were action packed. I have to say I really liked Eclipse. I found that with all of Stepenie Meyer's books (especially Breaking Dawn) there was a huge build up towards the battle scenes, then it just fell apart. Yes it's for a younger age group, but sometimes a little more fighting and action is good. Eclipse delivered good action through out the movie,...

Loved Every Minute of a Film They Finally Got Right (And Can't Understand All the Hate)
Prior to going to the theatre, I sat down to watch the first two installments of the Twilight saga; as a habit, I try to re-watch movies whenever a sequel comes out, just to get an idea of how the series progressed and developed. And in all honesty, both contributed to my overall impression and appreciation of Eclipse.

Twilight is a movie I've never really had an opinion on one way or another; it wasn't the greatest movie I've ever seen, but it wasn't a complete train-wreck. Looking back at it now, I have to say that it is very painful to watch. I, personally, found this first installment to be very mediocre and primitive. Everything in it--the corny music, the blue filters, the choppiness, the transition, the plot selection--felt like a crappy teen flick. But the weakest point of this movie was the lead acting, so weak in fact, that it made the story more difficult to watch. The entire time, I could not focus on anything but the fact that Kristen Stewart kept letting her...

I am writing this on behalf of my (upset) wife. I'm sure the quality of the disc/film itself is good, but I felt that I needed to put this on here for people that might be thinking about purchasing this disc. It is a single disc with a Blu-Ray on one side and DVD on the other. It is advertised as having a 6 part documentary on both sides, but this is not the case. I did a little research and apparently you have to buy the 2 disc special edition to get that. This is seems to be unfair and very confusing. We have a PS3, but my wife watches in the bedroom where there is only a DVD player. Needless to say, it's very frustrating that we now have to buy another copy of the disc. CHANGE THE ADVERTISING--it makes no mention of which disc does or does not have various features. Everything looks to be identical on both discs according to the box, and there is no mention of the DVD side not including the documentaries.

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