Sunday, December 8, 2013

Sweet Summer Sun - Hyde Park Live [DVD/2 CD Combo]

Getting sea sick after only 1 song
Had potential but I watched Start Me Up and this one suffers the same fate most new concerts do nowadays- over-editing. Maybe they think no one has any attention span anymore, but I'd prefer watching guitar solos or nonmoving camera shots and just enjoy the band and music. They waste so much money on production and end up with camera shots that never last more than a second or two, the cameras are constantly moving left and right up and down almost making me dizzy, and they jump from mile away shots to extreme close-ups. It's a shame because the picture is perfect, the sound rocks, and though the Stones are past their prime still rock out. I have to prefer the older concerts on crappy cameras because you can actually watch the band play and Mick sing for more than a second at a time. Please keep it simple next time and save the gimmicky stuff for bands that need it.

Great Performance - Annoying Film Production
Make no mistake - the Stones have never sounded better. If you get this to listen to it, you won't be disappointed. But if you plan on watching it, look out. The ADD award goes to director Paul Dugdale. He seems to think we want a new shot every half second and that we're more interested in the goofballs in the crowd than we are in the Rolling Stones! I really wouldn't mind if all the obnoxious crowd footage were completely removed from this show. It's bad enough that we never really see the performance the way it should be seen - from the perspective of the audience. It's like we're there on stage BEHIND the performers, or off to the side. Very rarely do we see them from the front. It's a real shame that such an awesome event wasn't captured better! The quality of the images is awesome. Too bad the cameras were often pointed at the wrong things.

You made a grown man cry!
Great show. Great sound. Really cool camera angles. Unbelievable video quality. However, the editing of this show is absolutely horrible. The camera angles cut every 2-3 seconds and it's extremely annoying and ruins the whole presentation.

My goldfish with it's 2 second attention span loved it! I have a normal human attention span and just couldn't get locked into the show, ever. Which is too bad because the quaility of everything is the best I've ever seen!

If the Sweet Summer Sun production and editing team ever read this, please release this film again editied to properly enjoy the brilliant camera work. We don't even get a complete shot of any instrumental solo, complete vocal line, etc. Why? I will purchase another copy if you issue a revised edit. Seriously!

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