Monday, December 9, 2013

The Vampire Diaries: The Complete Fourth Season [Blu-ray]

Worth waiting all summer
The season starts right where it left off and answers in the first episode many of the questions we were left with in the season 3 finale. Will Elena complete the transition and become a vampire? Will she have chosen Damon after remembering everything? What will happen to Tyler and Caroline now that Klaus is possessing Tyler's body? Will Damon kill Rebecca for her part in Elena's death? It is a very satisfying first episode for fans of Team Stefan, not so much for fans of Team Damon. But for fans of TVD who watch the show for all characters and love the high quality and consistency of the writing and acting on this show , it was fantastic.

Best show I have ever watched. So obsessed. Cant get enough. Not a teeny bopper show fyi. Watch and see.

a bad season for my favorite show
WARNING: THIS REVIEW CONTAINS SPOILERS (but hopefully not too many major ones).

DISCLAIMER: I do actually like this show and plan on sticking with it, because I'm OCD and must see things through to the end. That being said, every show has a bad season - Buffy had the snooze-fest of season four, Angel had the truly terrible baby plot line in season three, Smallville had a dull-as-dishwater-Zod in season nine, and ... well, this is TVD's bad season. (I hope, because it's a mess and I'd hate to sit through another one.) The thing is, when the show is good, it's really good, and when it's bad, it's incredibly bad.

Watching this season reminded me of reading "Breaking Dawn." It started out promising then turned into total crap, but I kept reading hoping for the EPIC RESOLUTION that would make up for 500 pages of self-defeating, totally illogical bull that preceded it. Lo and behold, instead of an epic resolution, I got 40 pages of pontificating and vampires standing...

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