Tuesday, December 10, 2013

The Last Days on Mars [HD]

Never Again!!! We have to fight the power!!!
I am guilty. I am sorry. I violated my own rules. I didn't look at the reviews. I fell for the preview. I PAID $9.99 to RENT a digital movie.

Kill me now. I deserve it.

This movie btw, sucks in every possible manner. It would have been a waste of money at $.99, let alone $9.99.

Don't be made at Amazon though. They are only passing along the prices set by the movie folks. It is against THESE that we must revolt. I thought I was PURCHASING this movie. My bad for not reading before clicking. It was a $10 learning experience.

I admit lately I have been paying $14.99 or $19.99 to buy a digital movie, or $4.99 or $6.99 to rent one. And that is, in all cases, too much. Poor people, and yeah, I am one, cannot afford these kinds of prices for movies. Not for DVDs even, and especially not for a digital movie. $4.99 for a rental is pushing it. $6.99 is wrong. $9.99 is a sin against the customer. Amazon should recognize this. But, thanks to people like...

Attention, Hollywood : Your tired old ideas are showing
A group of astronauts stationed on Mars for six months is nearing their departure deadline. With less than 20 hours to go before lift off, a last minute discovery sends two of the group out to check a possible breakthrough discovery.

Liev Schreiber (X-Men Origins, Salt) plays a claustrophobic astronaut that seems to dread his return trip to Earth. He leads a list of little known actors hampered by heavy space suits and close quarters trying to show some emotion as things on Mars go awry.

I don't write spoilers, reviews that reveal the plot lines of movies. What I am about to write is not a major plot point, not a spoiler, but it is part of the story, so if you want to see this movie and be totally surprised about every aspect, don't read any further.

I am totally over and done with zombies. You know “The Walking Dead”, “28 Days Later” and of course George Romero's “Night of the Living Dead” zombies. There have been...

Sc-fi ?
I heard about this movie, having connections in Ireland, and was really looking forward to it, and then... it's a zombie movie on Mars, so unoriginal, and Liev Schreiber, well he will help to sell this, as he's a great actor, but had no chance with this story, the story has little plot. Absolute linear horror.

This is not a sc-fi movie, it's a horror movie, and it was horribly bad. On a positive note the sound track by Max Richter is a great atmospheric piece, wasted on this though. This a a movie for the radio.

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