Friday, December 13, 2013

Hansel and Gretel: Witch Hunters [HD]

You might feel guilty enjoying this.....but don't let that stop you!
Let's start off by clearing the air a little bit: if you are looking for the next best picture nod and/or the next great fantasy epic, this is not it (and, quite frankly, I'm curious as to why you thought this one WOULD be it). If, however, you can enjoy movies without deep character development or scenes of life-changing consequence, then this is a movie that I highly recommend. I can unequivocally state that this movie did not make me re-evaluate my life, nor did I shed a single tear over, well, anything in this movie due to its emotional narrative...but it was so much fun! I'm someone who can watch best picture movies that stretch your brain and emotions and enjoy them intensely - I am also someone who can fall in love with a movie simply designed to entertain, and, well, I fell in love with this one. I felt that each character was played correctly and hit the tones they were supposed to. There was plenty of action and - contrary to popular opinion - there WAS a plot. I went to the...

Hansel & Gretel all grown up
Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters is like a bloody and F-Bomb filled version of Van Helsing. In this case, that is a good thing. Van Helsing was pretty bad, but they pushed this one far enough with the R rating to please the horror fan inside me. The witches look nice and creepy and most of the CGI is well done. Jeremy Renner (Hansel) is a fantastic actor, though he is mostly wasted here and Gemma Arterton (Gretel) is more of the focus based on her looks and her character's personality. Famke Janssen has fun with the lead evil witch role. This film barely runs 90 minutes and it is light on story and high on action, but I had a good time watching it. Worth a future rental if you don't mind turning your brain off and just enjoy the fact that it is not as bad as you feared it would be.

Oh, the IMAX 3-D was better done than most non-blockbuster type action films.

Edit (7/6/13): I had to knock it up a star after watching the Unrated Cut. Still a very fun movie upon...

Hansel and Gretel the after math!
My grandfather and I saw this film Saturday night. I knew I would enjoyed it but I really loved it! I loved the story line that after Hansel and Gretel encountered their first witch as children they make it their holy mission to be witch hunters. And there was a twist with Hansel and Gretels mom. I also thought they picked great actors for the movie and Jeremy Renner and Gemma Arterton were of course the ones that shined. I was surprised critics hated this movie but don't go by what they said, if you like magical twists on fairytales go see it. I will warn you that this is not a movie for children. The witches were very frightening and they made me jump. And there's a lot of cursing and violence so it's not for the little ones. I hope you enjoy it like I did. This film I felt kicked Snow White and the Huntsmans butt by far.

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