Thursday, December 5, 2013

The Fox and the Hound / The Fox and the Hound II (Two-Pack)

Not Disney's Best HD Transfer
Fox and the Hound has always been a favorite of mine. The characters are great, the story is heartwarming to say the least. After buying a slew of the latest Disney Blu Ray releases (Beauty and the Beast, Fantasia, Bambi, etc) I was expecting another state-of-the-art fantastic 1080p transfer. Unfortunately, the Mouse House has not taken this title as seriously as some of the others in its vault. Instead of giving us a glorious, painstakingly perfect restoration, it would seem they opted for tossing in the insulting "sequel" Fox and the Hound II to make up for the slacking effort.

Now I won't say it looks awful. This Blu Ray is clearly a significant upgrade from the DVD, but it is also obviously missing the Disney touch I've come to expect. For example, at the bottom right hand corner of the picture you will see an occasional black line flicker in and out. Ordinarily Disney has gone in and removed these kind of print damages, through intense digital editing or by some...

30 years young and this??
I feel short of neutral about the Fox and the Hound movie itself. But that doesn't mean I'm not upset about Disney's HD transfer. It is quite clear that it didn't get the same remastering treatment as the other Disney classics. I guess because it's not as popular, Disney thought that they didn't need to spend as much time into restoring it. Well, that's just silly. If you're a fan of the film, demand that Disney rerelease it as a stand-alone title with a new remaster.

The Fox and the Hound: Underrated Disney Classic comes to good but not great blu
I always held a special place in my heart for this film. Its adorable characters were too much to take, and it was a great tale of friendship. It's sad how Disney chooses not to acknowledge this film much. What does it get? A stuffed animal in the Disney Store? Not even a mug, or pens. Just, recently, plush toys. It isn't like many Disney films. If you are a die hard fan of recent Disney, Disney Renaissance, and the classics, then you may not find your liking. The film has some magic from Classic Disney, but, as it was in the odd years of Disney, it has that feel of a transgression for the studio.

Disney brings this wonderful film to blu ray, and, as i said, Disney doesn't acknowledge the film too much. Maybe that's why is didn't get a pristine conversion, but a good one. The colors are vibrant, lines visibly drawn, but there are problems. One problem that is most easily noticed is the fact that in certain shots, the drawn lines appear blurred. Now, i don't know if...

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